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*new* - Lip blush 

Lip colour that lasts. No more lipstick or gloss. No more wasted time in the mornings. No more smudging.  Lip Blush is the perfect solution to those clients looking for something a little more permanent. Treatment includes a 6 - 8 week top up and after care. Currently looking for case studies since training, there for this treatment is on offer and hugely discounted!

Time: up to 2.5 hours, Cost: £130 - Payment plans available.

Unsure of what you want? Contact us for a FREE consultation, or a free emailed info pack.


What is Lip Blush?
Lip Blush is a form of cosmetic tattooing, in which pigment is implanted into the lip skin. This procedure involves using a specialist machine and techniques, to create a blush of colour onto the lips. There is a choice between a full lip colour, or a more Ombre'd effect in which the colour is denser at the border, and lightened towards the centres. There is a wide range of colours and shades to choose from - with some clients liking a more natural look, and others preferring a bolder look.


What maintenance is needed?
Gradually over time, your lips will begin to fade, there for a colour boost is needed roughly every 1 - 2 years, to maintain its fresh appearance. How long your Lip Blush will last will vary on skin type, medications, maintenance, lifestyle and sun exposure. 


What can be expected during the procedure?

Some residual swelling is normal for ALL cosmetic procedures, but this is especially noticeable in the lips. Clients that have had lip fillers are prone to more swelling then others, and may require shorter, more frequent sittings - this is individualised. It is common to see a little blood loss, bruising and redness - again, this is individualised. Mild discomfort may be experienced (dependent on pain threshold) during the ‘first pass’. Please note that getting a procedure done whilst on your menstrual cycle can make you hyper-sensitive at the procedure site.


Who is suitable for Lip Blush?
Any clients with loss of colour in the borders, uneven shape, who are unable or tired of always having to wear lipstick and worrying about smudging, or want to save time. All clients must be at least 18 years of age, no exceptions. No treatment to be performed on breast feeding or pregnant ladies. Any clients previously on medication for Accutane, must be free from this for at least 12 months prior to the appointment. Any clients currently taking medication, or with any other medical conditions, must state these during consultation. In some cases a Doctors note may be required.


Can I pay in installments?

Yes. This option is available to those clients who need to spread the cost and make the treatment more affordable. The payment plan is as follows:


£30 non-refundable deposit paid at the time of booking


£70 on the treatment day - this can be booked as far in advance as you wish

£30 paid at the top up 6-8 weeks later

(please be aware that if subsequent top ups are needed, these are charged at £30 within the first 3 months from the last treatment date, anything over this will be charged accordingly)


What about aftercare?

Aftercare with instructions are given on the treatment day. I will run through the aftercare with you both during consultation, and on the day, to make sure you are well informed and at ease.


ALL CLIENTS MUST HAVE A PATCH TEST AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE HAND. Consultations and Patch Tests can be carried out via email/messenger and post, or by coming in to the beauty room.


For more information, please come in for a free consultation, or request an online consultation and info pack by emailing

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